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Translation services

Accurate and natural-sounding translations of unmatched quality, specialising in natural sciences

  • Japanese to English, English to Japanese translations

  • Proof-reading of translated documents

  • All types of documents catered for, including reports, presentations and promotional materials (except excessively long documents)

  • Specialists in scientific translations, including earth, biological, botanical and environmental sciences and archaeology

We provide document translation services of unmatched quality. Our translator is a native Japanese speaker with full competency in Japanese and English language skills, and professional research expertise in natural sciences and archaeology. He has over 20 years of experience in providing Japanese language coaching and Japanese–English/English–Japanese translation services, including those for a number of scientific publications and presentations. Our rates start from 45 cents/word for scientific translations. Discounted rates apply for longer documents, and simple, non-technical documents. Please enquire for rates, specifying the type of service you require, via the button below or by e-mailing .

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